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3 Reasons Why The G-Retreat Is For You!

Writer: Khnuma SimmondsKhnuma Simmonds

'We've got 99 reasons why you need to be at this year's Girlfriendism Retreat (G-Retreat) but we'll just start with one: It's your one stop shop for all things Girlfriendism which means that it's a one stop shop for all things YOU! As a brand that understands and values the reality that women are whole beings, we aim to speak to all of you - not just parts of you - and our first annual G-Retreat will do just that as we provide interactive experiences in five core areas that will speak to all of you - mind, body and soul!

Girlfriendism Wellness and Fitness (Mind): Let's be clear - the physical and mental are connected so it is critical (especially for busy women in business and leadership!) to be intentional about nurturing healthy lifestyle practices for optimum daily living and positive mental health! We've curated a 'Women's Health and Wellness Wake Up Workout' with multiple industry professionals that provides opportunities to move, dance and stretch along with sessions that encourage reflection and support self exploration through workshops on femininity, sensuality, and spirituality. And of course, we can't do all that without talking about beauty - from inner to outer - with experts in skin care too!

Girlfriendism Fashion (Body): Can we defy the myth that Black and Brown bodies don't matter?...Because we do! Our 'Girls, We Run The World Fashion Show' will not only feature stunning collections by designers as far as South Africa but it will also feature collaborations between Black women in brick and mortar businesses on the island of St. Croix. To say the least, it will be an evening of fashion, flair, and fun - and everyBODY needs that!

Girlfriendism Business & Philanthropy (Soul): Soul defined is 'emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art' and if you are a woman who has an intense passion for creating the world she wishes to see (and this IS an art!) then your soul will be filled during the 'Women in Business, Leadership and Philanthropy Brunch' where we will reveal the art of marrying the profit and non profit sectors. This event will highlight social justice issues in the V.I. (and beyond) and will serve as the first fundraiser for the philanthropic branch of Girlfriendism - H.O.P.E. - which stands for Helping Ordinary People Everyday through the arts and creative expression! You see girlfriend?... The goal of this retreat is to create an opportunity for women of diverse backgrounds in business, locally and abroad, to connect authentically with like-minded women, prioritize their self-care, showcase and grow their business(es) while engaging with the #Girlfriendism team as collaborators in our collective success! So ditch the isolation of COVID-19 and let us nourish all parts of you -with safety protocols of course! And better yet... Let's do it with your girlfriends too! We look forward to seeing you for our 2021 Girlfriendism Retreat in honor of National Girlfriend's Day (which is held every year on August 1st) as we celebrate the one year Anniversary of Girlfriendism, the ten year anniversary of My Girlfriend's Closet anniversary, and the every day bad assness anniversary of YOU, Me and 'All Ah We'! Ready to Roll? Register now at:!



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